The simplest suggestion may make a big difference! Read the suggestions below and see if there is something that you might have overlooked or forgotten. Do not be afraid to try something new!
- Flute parallel with lips.
- Flute to head, not head to flute.
- Relaxed embouchure, slight frown.
- Flat fingers, do not over reach!
- Open mouth and throat. Create a full tone.
- To raise pitch, adjust jaw forward, or roll flute out.
- To lower pitch, drop jaw, or roll in flute.
- Tuning problem? Double check position of head cork.
- Head up.
- Chin down flat, corners back.
- Do not overwrap bottom lip.
- Fingers flat, angled down.
- Tongue light, quick.
- Upper teeth on mouthpiece.
- Embouchure firm, clarinet in center of mouth.
- Squeaks? Try less mouthpiece, check reed for chips, cracks, warped etc.
- Lower jaw, somewhat relaxed.
- Tongue lightly.
- Fill horn with air, practice extreme dynamics.
- Sax to mouth, not mouth to sax-adjust sax strap to bring the horn to correct position.
- Sit up straight, head up, not sideways.
- Reed placed between lips which are slightly rolled in over the teeth.
- Lips close around the reed, no leaks.
- Lips firm, do not pinch, allow the reed to vibrate.
- Tip of the tongue touches reed when tonguing.
- Lips are pushed forward, not rolled over teeth.
- Do not pinch!
- Allow lower jaw to recede, upper teeth forward-overbite position.
- Sit upright, bring bassoon to mouth.
- Use strap that works best for you-Seat strap or neck strap.
- Head up.
- Position mouthpiece 50/50 (half upper lip, half lower).
- Light pressure, do not pinch.
- Chin flat.
- Tongue lightly.
- Open throat, horn parallel with floor.
- Fill horn with air, do not overblow!
- Trumpet supported by the left hand.
- Finger tips on valve buttons for best fingering technique.
French Horn
- Two thirds, upper lip, one third, lower.
- Pressure more on lower lip.
- Do not suck in lower lip. 4. Head up, BLOW!
- Sit forward in the chair, face director.
- Back of right hand against bell.
- Use right hand to help regulate pitch (intermediate/advanced level).
- Open lips-Space between.
- Blow!
- Trombone-relaxed wrist, quick.
- Do not puff cheeks!
- Open throat.
Excellent Suggestions for Everyone
- Be patient! Success takes time
- Practice, Practice, Practice!
- Due diligence-if something doesn’t come right away, move on and come back to it later.
- Experiment-if something doesn’t work for you, try a new technique, position, mouthpiece, reed etc.
- Question experts-can’t figure it out? Consult a recognized professional.
- Practice dynamics regularly (softs & louds) The best musicians can play any selection at any volume with ease.
- Take lessons! One lesson is better than none. Get someone who can help you start correctly. Bad habits will limit your success, and they are hard to break!
- Practice all tempos. Many people can play notes quickly. A professional can also play it slowly with expression.
- Practice different styles of music. Jazz, classical, rock, pop, folk, sacred. It will make you a better, well-rounded musician and improve your technique.
- Proficiency with scales will improve your technique.